FAQs for JEE Main 2017 Online Paper

In this article we are sharing the important point related to the online mode of JEE Main 2017 Examination which will be conducted on 8th & 9th April 2017 by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

JEE Main examination is conducted in both offline as well as online mode. The total number of students appearing in the offline examination is comparatively more than JEE Main offline exam.

So below are the points one needs to keep in mind for online mode of JEE Main Exam 2017.

 JEE Main 2017 Exam in online mode:-


  1. In JEE Main online mode, correct answers can be changed even if you have marked them. Students cannot do this in JEE Main offline mode as Overwriing just disqualifies that particular question and is considered as a wrong answer.
  2. JEE Main aspirants can practice through online mocks for JEE Main online examination before-hand.
  3. In JEE Main Offline mode, students get to see all the questions at a time and they can choose to answer first ,the once they are perfect with and attempt the other questions later.They need not follow the order


Here is the list of Frequently asked Question By JEE Main Aspirants:-


  1. What is Computer Based Examination (Online mode)?
  • It is a Computer Based Exam which will be conducted using the Local Area Network (LAN) to make it safe, secure and un-interrupted.

What are the advantages in opting for Computer Based Examination?

  • The candidate can review or re-answer any question at any point of time during the examination.
  • The candidate can change the option of the answer during the exam duration and it is one of the most important feature of computer based examination
  • The candidate also has the option to mark any answer for review at later stage during the examination.
  • There will be a panel on computer screen showing all the question nos in different colour scheme which will indicate which are the questions answered, left unanswered and marked for review
  • Candidate gets the flexibility in choosing the exam date of his/her choice as per his/her convenience.


2.How to apply and what is the last date of applying for computer based exam?

-Candidates can apply through JEE (Main) website http://www.jeemain.nic.in. The online application for JEE Main 2017 started from 2nd December and the last date to do the online application was 16th Jan 2017.

3.Is Computer Based Examination based on Internet?



4.What are the dates for Computer Based Examination?

-The date for online mode of examinations are 8th & 9th April 2017.


 5.When a candidate can select the date of computer based examination ?

-At the time of filling the form for JEE (Main) itself after paying the fee. In case, a candidate do not select the date for computer based examination, he/she will be allotted the date as per the availability in that city.

 6.What will be the time of computer based examination?

-The exam will be from 09.30 – 12.30 Hours [IST]. The Second shift (if required) will be from 14.00 – 17.00 Hours [ISt]


 7.When a candidate has to report to the exam centre?

-30 minutes before the exam time.


 8.What computer knowledge is required to appear for Computer Based Examination ?

-The candidate need to know only how to use computer mouse. That is at the most required.


 9.Can the date of exam once selected be changed, if required?


 10.What will be the medium of Computer Based Examination?

– The Candidate can also switch medium as many times as he/she wants during the examination.



 11.How secure is the computer based examination?

-It is very secure with zero error possibility as human intervention is minimal.


 12.How a candidate can practice for Computer Based Examination?

-The Mock Test is available on CBSE/JEE websites. The Candidate can download the same and practice as many times as he/she wants. This will give look and feel of the format of Computer Based Exam in simulation environment.


13.What will happen in case there is some problem in computer during the examination?

-There will be enough buffer computers available at the examination centers to take care of such problems and the time lost in change of system will be duly compensated as each and every second will be recorded by the server.


14.When will the result of Computer Based Examination be declared?

-Combined result will be declared along with the Pen and Paper based examination candidates.


15.Will there be a question booklet like in offline examination?

–In Computer Based Examination the questions will appear on computer screen along with the answer options. Instruction page will also be displayed before the actual test begins. The time of reading of instructions will not be part of examination duration.

16.Will a Candidate get the question paper of computer based examination as he/she gets in Pen and Paper based exam?

-Yes, the question paper along with the options marked will be mailed to each and every candidate after the exam schedule is over.


17.In case of problem in computer etc will there be some body to assist ?

-Yes, there will be qualified IT professionals.

 18.How will a candidate answer a question in the Computer Based examination?

-There will four options of each question. The candidate has to click one of the options using computer mouse which can be reviewed or re-answered any time during the duration of the examination

19.How will a candidate come to know which are the questions left unanswered?

-There will be a panel on computer screen showing all the question nos in different colour scheme which will indicate which are the questions answered, left un answered and marked for review.

20.Can a candidate change his/her answer ?

-Yes during the exam duration and it is one of the most important feature of computer based examination.

21.If a candidate has selected medium of question paper as English but want to see question in Hindi for more clarity or vice-a-versa, is this possible ?

-Yes you can easily do with the click of computer mouse.


 22.Is computer based examination for B.E. and B.Tech only?


23.If a candidate wants to opt for both B.E./B.Tech and B.Planning/B.Arch from city of computer based exam, than how will a candidate appear for B.Arch/B Planning exam

-His/Her B.E./B.Tech Exam will be conducted in computer based exam mode and B.Planning/B.Arch in offline mode in the same city.

24.Will a candidate get sheets/papers for rough work/calculations etc?

-Yes very much.

 25. Is there any call centre support?

-Yes. There is a call centre support for candidates appearing in computer based examination. The helpline number(s) are available on the JEE website.

the source for above FAQs is JEE Main 2017 official portal


all the best

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