JEE Main 2017 Last Week Revision Tips

As only one week left for JEE Main 2017, many of you would be confused that how to utilize this last week in order to give the best for JEE Min 2017 score.  Here is an article on How to prepare yourself for JEE Main Exam in the last week.

We reached out Rahul Raj, studying in IIT Kharagpur, BTech 2nd Year Electrical Engineering Who wants to share his valuable tips telling the students of gradeup that how they should utilize the last week left between boards and JEE main in order to get a decent score in JEE Main 2017

Here is what Rahul wants to share with gradeup students:-

I am Rahul Raj, second year undergraduate in Electrical Engineering at IIT Kharagpur. I was in CBSE board and scored 96.2% in my 12th board exam. My ranks were (all General category ranks), JEE Main 2016 – 620, JEE Advanced 2016 – 1479. JEE main marks- 265/360. BITSAT marks – 360. I like to help students and I write on Quora in my free time. I have been consistently writing about IIT JEE preparation on Quora and that’s what I like to do in free time.

You will have probably 5 days in between last board exam and JEE Main. These 4–5 days will be very crucial for you to come back to JEE Main mode from board exam mode. So, first of all, do give it your all. There are some things which are really needed to be done during this period for better marks. They are as follows:

  1. Mock Tests: There are previous years’ JEE Main (earlier known as AIEEE) question paper available. You will easily find the question papers from 2002 to 2016. Keep your 9 am –12.30 pm slot free everyday for giving a full fledge JEE Main test of 3 hours. As mock test paper, use these previous year papers. Even if you have solved those questions at one or other point of time during your preparation, still solve them as mock tests. If you are too comfortable with those papers or they seem too easy, try to arrange previous years’ JEE Main online test papers or some original question papers framed by Arihant, institutes etc. And it’s very important that you analyze your score and see your mistakes, questions you solved wrong or weren’t able to solve. Try to improve your score by rectifying your mistakes (silly, calculation, misreading) you made in last mock tests.


  1. Attempting exam:Try to figure out how are you going to tackle the question paper (if you haven’t done yet). Try to figure out in which order will you solve the paper, what will you do with questions you find tough, how will you manage three hours’ time and many such things



  1. NCERT: As you have just finished with your boards, you must have a fair remembrance of all the things you have read from NCERTs. If you feel like you have forgotten, revise NCERT, see its solved example and its exercises – all in a quick manner. No matter what, you must go through NCERT chemistry at any cost specially inorganic.


  1. Class notes and solved questions: If you have maintained notes then quickly go through them as well. And remember that you aren’t going to appear for JEE Advanced on 2nd April. So, strictly ignore JEE Advanced type contents in your notes. Only if you think you have got enough time then you can go through them as well. In the process, see solved examples in your copy as well.



  1. Short formulae sheets: I hope that you have made or have some book where all the formula of a particular topic are given/written in one place. That’s of great help. See all the formulae of all topics of Physics, Chemistry and Maths from that sheet.


  1. Sleep and other activities: Don’t stay awake late at night. Have a sound sleep of 6 hours, not more or less than that. Don’t sleep in day especially between 9 to 12 o’clock.Keep yourself indulged in only academic activities. No movies, gaming, passing time, long chatting on social media or over phone etc.



  1. Last day: Sleep early, relax yourself, don’t put pressure of expectations on yourself, listen to few energising songs, keep looking the formula sheets and go to exam hall as if it’s another mock test that you are giving on a daily basis for last 5 days.

Thank you Rahul for sharing your experience with us. I hope all the students get something fruitful out if this which will help them in scaling their JEE Main Score

all the best

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